Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Test Passed

Congratulations to Sara Lisch and Marc Mulzer for passing thier essential test

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

World Kettlebell Championships 2010

It has been a humbling journey and it has only just begun. I want to thank everyone for there support and influence to help drive me to be the best I can be.
The World Kettlebell Championships in Chicago was amazing, the professionalism of all the lifters showed through their hard work on the platform. The sport truly demands alot of respect and it is great to see everyone succedding.
Here is a compilation of my Biathalon performance; 28kg bells, Jerks 55reps 10min and snatches 48L & 48R for a total score of 103. I earned first place in the 80kg body weight division and even though I didn't do enough reps for Canidate of Master of Sport, I feel I'm heading in the right direction. A big special thank you to Chris Duffy for being a great coach!
I also competed in Longcycle Strong Sport with a 32kg bell and I earned Rank S-32, 16L, 16R, one time hand switch 4min. Enjoy!
You like what you see ...Punch Austin is hosting a snatch competition Oct. 2. Be there!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Congradulations to Henry Marshall

HenryMarshall, head trainer of Punch Austin Kettlebell Gym, took 1st place in the 80 kg division over the weekend. Happy Birthday too!