Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Success Story: Tim Wellik

I joined Punch shortly after the open house sometime in March of 2010. I was rather reluctant to swing the kettle bells due to a stress fracture in my lower back in 2007 but the other exercises and core workouts looked like something I would like to do. At first I thought I may only have time for one workout per week but Henry encouraged me to get to the gym at least two or three times per week. My initial goals were to work on my core to strengthen my back as I am a dentist. My exercise up to this time consisted of playing racquetball once per week, working in my garden and yard, throwing a softball for an hour with my daughter once per week at her pitching lesson, an occasional bicycle ride in the neighborhood and walking. I had no intent of losing weight or strength training.
After the first couple of sessions, I realized how out of shape and weak I really was. The 8 kg. bell seemed heavy and my stamina was very short. There was more than once I thought about not attending any more but after about 4 weeks I had lost over 10 pounds and I had more energy during the day. I was starting to increase the size of the kettle bells I was using for different exercises and I really enjoyed the variety of the workouts. The ropes, agility drills, runs around the building, learning new exercises and being pushed by Henry and Chris made my workouts enjoyable. I actually started to look forward to my workouts and felt very guilty if I missed. I also began to notice I started to put some more weight back on which I now know is lean muscle mass.
It has now been over 9 months since I started working out at the north location. I am much stronger and my stamina is incredible. My body looks and feels better. My wife has commented on how much stronger I am and she is very supportive of my taking the time to workout. I still do not have that ability to push myself to work out on my own so I am so very thankful for Henry, Chris and Glen for being there to push me to new heights. Also, since I started working out I have bowled my best game ever, 209 and today I shot a 77 golfing which is the best I have shot in probably 15 years!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Tim Wellik

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Infamous Turkish Get Up

Check out the South Austin Punch Gym demonstrating how to do this feat of strength right with a thick grip barbell or dumbbell.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Firefighter Circuit

Heavy TGU Work 50lb thick bar 3sets

KB Endurance Rd. (not shown in clip)

Circuit x3

3 Plyos(over the top) x5
Hammer Work 20lb x 1min
Hammer Halos 8lb x 20 rotations

Evan Belfour Tearing it up!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Punch Austin Holiday/ Feat of Strength Party

Thanks to everyone for coming out and getting strong!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

10 min Jerk 16kg bells 91reps!!

Hard Work. We are talking POWER ENDURANCE.