Friday, July 1, 2011

Get fit for FREE!!!

Fit for Free: Punch Gym:


Tues. & Thurs. (7/5,7/7,7/12, 7/14) North and South @ 5pm


Monday, May 16, 2011

Crossfit Central Kettlebell Challenge

Thanks to Crossfit Central for putting on such a great event. 1st place Womens Lisa Hensz. 2nd place Evan Balfour...1st place Henry V. Marshall....A special congrats to all the Punch Team that came out to compete....Elizabeth, Gary, Laura, and Maritza. Everyone did an awesome job and hit new personal records.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Advocare Mixer

AdvoCare is a premier health and wellness company offering world-class energy, weight-loss, nutrition, and sports performance products along with a rewarding business opportunity.
Come learn more about the products and see what Advocare can do for you.

Saturday, May 14 · 11:00am - 12:00pm

Punch Austin Kettlebell Gym NORTH

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Punch Kettlebell Boot Camp will be a full body strength and endurance BLAST! Utilizing your body weight and unconventional training tools for resistance style training to get you in the most optimal conditioning. Camp is for any individual who is committed to making a change through diligence and hard work with aid of a great community. The camp is scalable to your level through exercise substitutions or weight modifications. In addition, clients are able to dictate just how much or how little they want to push themselves.

**Come out and try 2 free sessions Tuesday 5/24 and Thursday 5/26 @8am. **

2x per week (8 classes month) T & TH @8am
$115 standard rate

$20 Drop in

Contact or call 219-0251 to register.


What you can expect from Boot Camp:

-A workout that will fit your fitness level

-Core strength

-Increase in strength and cardiovascular endurance

-Functional exercises that will correlate to life

-Increase in flexibility, coordination and mobility

-Having fun training

Friday, April 29, 2011

Unbeatable and Unstoppable

Tahrim "The Machine" sent me her heart rate monitor calorie reading for the Month of April and the results were out the roof.
Definitely worth sharing.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Total Week of

-424- -750- -563- -844- -583- -3164- ( 3/27-- 4

-684- -825- -723- -776- -416- -2424- (4/3 --4/9)

-661- -728- -679- -787- -572- -2427- (4/10--4/16)

-632- -599- -718- -693- -577- -3219- (4/17--4/23)

And here is a graph of the trend of her heart rate through her Thursday night Core Performance Class and Group Training session. Check out all those peaks and valleys! This is great metabolic training and one of the coolest things is you get to learn the great art of kettlebell training at the same time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Marty Farrell, MS: Skill/ Programming Seminar

Marty Farrell, 1st American Master of Sport in both Events: Biathlon and Longcycle, 4x National Champ, and 2x International Champ.

"Skill comes with practice and more quickly with someone knowledgeable looking over your shoulder. In the past 7 or so years I've continued to improve upon things I thought I had learned but did not.
Programming can be more complicated and different depending on the level of the athlete. With many types of programming, results come in the beginning. But after a certain point, you hit a wall.

IF you want to improve your results and train intelligently instead of guessing, consider coming to the seminar. The programming happens during and after the seminar. Let me do the guessing. This is for kettlebell sport AND cross training."

Marty Farrell


Punch Austin Kettlebell Gym
3005 So. Lamar Blvd.

Sat., 6/11/2011 10am-3:30pm
Skills, techniques and strategies will be addressed and practiced with in depth teaching and training.
*Lunch will be provided*

Sun., 6/12/2011 10am-2pm
Programming, Problem areas and more skills sets will be addressed
*You are responsible for own lunch*

$299 before 5/19/2011 after price goes up to $349
15 available spots

Come join us for a invigorating weekend of kettlebell training in the beautiful city of Austin, Tx. Hope to see you there, Girevik!

Contact for registration or

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Work Out Loud!!

Congratulations Chris Lange!! Chris is the first place winner of the Punch Austin Work Out Loud Challenge. In 3 months of training he has lost 23lbs! and took 9minutes off his fitness test! We are very proud of all the participants, thank you for your hard work and dedication. Stay tuned for the next challenge.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work Out Loud Challenge: 300 Meltdown

The final installment of the Work Out Loud Challenge: 300 Meltdown.
I'm really proud of this group. Everyone beat their previous best times….with a smile!

Friday, April 1, 2011

AKC Longcycle Championships 2011

Punch Austin Kettlebell Team Highlight Reel

Im so proud of the Punch Kettlebell Austin Kettlebell team. For our first competition everyone did extremely well. Of course there is tons of technique and strategy for us to work on but I feel good about the teams performance. Much Respect to all of my lifters. You guys trained your butts off and traveled a far way. I'm really looking forward to taking a big step forward with ya'll! Strong Body, Strong Mind

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feast of Strength (March 2011)

This is a highlight video of all the strong members we have here at Punch Austin.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Punch Austin Kettlebell Team 20kg Longcycle Relay

We are developing nicely. All of our lifters got to the 20kg bell status so tonight we wanted to have a little fun together. 15min, 20kg Longcycle Relay (3min each lifter) 158reps.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Glenn Revell

I had the honor to train a good friend of mine Glenn "the vigilante" Revell. When he came to me he wanted to prep for the Arena football team Dallas Vigilantes tryouts. Out of 300+ people Glenn got picked so we switched to our next phase prepping him to be a complete destroyer on the field, this is a video montage of Glenn's training enjoy.

PS I just want to say how proud I'm of Glenn, the training we did was no joke, the avg joe would have caved in after a week but Glenn came stronger and more fierce every time. He will be on that field and the opposition will be looking for his weak spots but they wont find NONE! That speaks for tons on his work ethic. We look foward to big things from this guy. Much Respect to you Glenn Revell. Looking forward to see you crushing catz on March 19th.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kettlebell Sport

Last weekend I had the honor to travel to San Francisco, Ca. and train with world champion lifters Ivan Denisov and Valery Federenko at the prestigious Ice Chamber Gym. Before the weekend I thought I knew about good technique and the fun of kettlebell sport but what an eye opener. I have learned so much within my journey of this sport about technique, endurance and strength but last weekend I feel was a real game changer. We dissected every lift and focused on using the ultimate precision in strength, endurance and technique.
Seeing how Ivan does what he does gives me a whole new breathe and respect for this great sport of kettlebell lifting. He performed two feats for us; 730 Snatches with the 24kg bell in 35 min. 1time hand switch!! and 100 jerks 2*32kg bells in 5min!! The most impressive thing of it all was that it looked as if it was effortless to him, every rep looked the same. An on looker would have been looking for Ivan's weak spots but he showed none!! It was a complete honor to hang out with him and train. I feel confident to take my students and my own kettlebell game to the next level.
So if your interested in taking your kettlebell training to the next level get into Austins only kettlebell gym PUNCH!

Henry V. Marshall

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dallas Vigilante

A BIG shout out to Mr. Glenn Revell, he is leaving to move to Dallas today to play arena football for the Dallas Vigilantes. It was a complete honor to be able to train him and we all want to send many blessings to him and his family during this incredible journey for him. We will miss you Glenn.
Now! GIVE...... REVELL........... THE ROCK!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nothing but PR's in the gym today

Congrats to Evan 16kg LC 67reps 10min

Congrats to Lisa 16kg OALC 50/50 10min.

Congrats to Maritza 16kg OALC 60/60 10min.

Punch Austin Kettlebell Team

Look Ma No Hands

Saturday, January 22, 2011

300 Kettlebell Meltdown

1st Bench Mark challenge is in the books. I look forward to see improvements in everyone next month. Excellent training today guys. The sky is the limit!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Packed Punch

Group Classes are getting PACKED! make sure to register for class to reserve your spot to crush a workout!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Getting Stronger Every Day

Here is one of our committed clients Laura showing how she is getting stronger every day.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 Success Story: Mea Amor

Before I started going to Punch Kettlebell Gym I was an
obese thirty something who suffered from high blood pressure, migraines, sleep apnea and depression. I joined Punch immediately after attending their Grand Opening in March 2010 with hopes that it would be the place where I would finally show up to workout. In the months of March through June I rarely went into the gym because, as usual, I made excuses - too tired, too sore, way too busy. Over the years this had become the norm for me. Join a gym to accomplish the same old New Year’s Resolution - Get Healthy. Again I was off to a bad start with Punch. I would show up for 1 maybe 2 classes a week. I wasn’t putting the time in at the gym to really see a difference, but when I would show up Henry and Chris didn’t judge me. They were just excited and happy that I was there even for the one workout. I guess that’s why I kept going back.

When July came around I competed in the Punch Austin One Arm Long Cycle Competition. Keep in mind I was not a real contender in the competition; just a member of the gym trying to push myself a little more than I had. A woman came up to me after the competition and said that after watching me compete she felt that if I could do it then she could too. There’s nothing like knowing someone might be motivated to get healthy by watching you. After that weekend I hit the gym on a regular basis. In a short amount of time I noticed my clothes were getting loose. Now every week I can see the changes in my body and my strength level. I remember at the Grand Opening nearly a year ago I couldn’t clean and jerk a 16kg kettlebell. A few weeks ago I set a personal record – I was able to clean and jerk a 32kg kettlebell. I have no plans of stopping with that record. The trainers at Punch always have innovative ways to challenge and push you to the next level.

I can honestly say that the support and encouragement from Henry, Chris and the rest of our Punch family has SAVED my life. I don’t think I could ever thank them enough for this precious gift. –Mea Amor

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work Out Like a Pro Athlete


Check this out! 94% off at Punch Austin Kettlebell Gym @BuyWithMe

Powered by spinback

Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Success Story: Gary Sherman

I started with Punch Gym in September of 2010. I used to strength train quite a bit, but after a while, it got boring, and I stopped training a few years ago. I wanted to get healthier, but I knew that I would quickly bore of the same old routine. Punch Gym seemed like a place that would challenge me, improve my health, and not be boring.

My first workout was eye-opening. I was out of shape. But, within a couple weeks, I was improving - and I was definitely feeling better. Within the first month, I was seeing changes in my body. The workouts were challenging, for sure. But they were never boring. Every workout brought new exercises, new challenges, and something different. I had never worked with kettlebells before, and was surprised at how many different exercises you could do with them.

I was working out twice a week, but Christine challenged me to do more. I started attending an additional group class twice a week. I had never done group training before, and I was nervous that I wasn’t in shape enough to participate. I was wrong. It doesn’t matter how in shape you are (or aren’t) - by adjusting weights (and sometimes modifying exercises), everyone in the class gets a solid workout.

The cardio aspect of the workouts was tough for me. Again, Christine challenged me to improve my cardio. Go for a walk after dinner, walk the dog in the morning, go for a bike ride - whatever - just move more. So, in October. I started running. I’ve never been a runner. My first “run” was a 30 second jog followed by a 1 minute rest. Then another 30 second jog and a 1 minute rest. And so on. After 30 minutes, I was wiped out. A few days later, I went to 1 minute runs, with 1 minute of rest. Then onto 90 seconds of running with a 1 minute rest. And so on. Every day I tried to run a little further or reduce my rest a little more. By November, I ran for 40 minutes straight. I was pumped! On Thanksgiving day, my wife and I ran a 4-mile turkey trot. I finished in 44 minutes. We then ran a 5K the day after Christmas, finishing in 32 minutes. I now routinely run 3-4 miles a couple times a week. It's still hard to believe that I can do this. I believe its because of the way that the Punch workouts are designed that I was able to start running and have this endurance.

In the past 4 months, my weight hasn’t changed very much - I’ve only lost about 5 pounds according to the scale. But I’ve definitely lost fat and gained muscle - no question. I recently purchased jeans that are 3 inches smaller in the waist then I was wearing before. Most of my shirts are now too big for me. My wife has noticed the changes to my body. My friends have taken notice.

I think one of the bigger changes has been in my attitude and energy. I’m a lot less cranky, especially at work. Co-workers have commented on my improved demeanor. I have more energy throughout the day. Overall, I just feel so much better.

One of the things about Punch that I really enjoy is the sense of community. Everyone is very supportive - trainers and members alike. There’s no judgment. And it’s a very diverse group - men and women, old and young, professional athletes training alongside middle-aged software geeks like myself. It’s fun. And the results make it very motivating to continue.

I’m heading into 2011 healthier than I’ve been in a long time. And I’m only getting started...