Thursday, March 4, 2010

Catalyst of Change

I am writing to thank you for the help you and your staff have given me over the past two and half months. The caliber of encouragement and the level of professionalism that I have received far exceed any gym or trainer I have encountered over the past five years.

I had been working out at Gold’s Gym for a year. I was not too over weight but definitely needed to lose about 10 pounds, and more important to me was to tone up my body and look as great. I had not been in the gym for a few years but did have some experience in working with some paid trainers to teach me to work out correctly. I worked hard, 5 days in the gym, 30 to 45 minutes cardio then off to do weight training for approximately an hour. Two hours later I was heading home feeling good because I was going to achieve my goals doing this. Yes in five months I lost a FEW pounds and I put on muscle which I could see in my arms, not so much in my legs. My body fat went from 30% to 25%, and I was pumped!

Over the next five months, it had gone back up to 29%. I was working just as hard and eating clean to the best of my knowledge. I hired a trainer for several sessions who was also a nutritionist. I followed the work outs, ate the right things (for the most part). NO RESULTS! Many of the trainers at this gym gave me good advise but one stuck out. He said ‘I see you working very hard, but I would have to do more high intensity cardio with change to weight lifting’.

One year into this I’m very frustrated, losing interest, and feeling like I’m never going to achieve what I want which is to get tone and lose a little fat. A friend of mine invited me to do a class with her at this new gym in town. She knows I dislike class workouts, but really wanted me to go with her. I have never worked out so hard and NEVER had that much fun in a class workout. I wanted more!!!

I got with Chris Huppee the owner of the gym and set up a work shop. Henry kicked my butt, but what I noticed immediately was that I was getting my cardio and strength all in one package and it was only 45 min. NOT two hours. The biggest change came when I started working out with Chris one-on-one three days a week. With her help I have shaped up my whole body not just an area. She also has me running which I have never been able to do. She has taken me from NOT losing a pound on the scale, to actually changing my body fat into lean beautiful muscle. I have gone down several body fat percentages and leaned my body up. In less than three months I have MORE results with kettlebells and Chris Huppee’s help then ONE YEAR pumping iron and working with other trainer’s in a gym. I can not express my gratitude enough for the help and positive coaching I have received from Chris Huppee and her staff. I ALWAYS look forward to the classes and the fun workouts they come up with.

I strongly recommend this to anyone no matter age, shape, male or female.

Again, Thank you with all my heart Chris, I could not be happier than I am!

Noelalee Ragle

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