Thursday, April 29, 2010

Preparing for Mothers Day

Actual article on Womens Page
After 16 years as a PE Teacher and now Owner of Punch Austin, I am still amazed at the
excuses moms make for why they do not have time to exercise. We, as women always put
ourselves last. We will do anything for our kids, husbands, family, and close friends. We can
get up at 5 a.m., get our kids to school, go to work, drive our kids to activities, get supper on
the table, make sure everyone has done their home work, and get them to bed for the next
day. But when it comes to taking care of ourselves we say we do not have enough time.
……Stop…. Think about how upset you get when you hear from your children that they do
not have time to do their homework, no time to feed the dog, no time to pick up their clothes
or set the table. Well some where they learned this bad habit of excuses!
So on Mother’s Day, REFLECT! Ask yourself: What if I did something for myself? There are 168
hours in a week. How much time can you find? How about 3 hours? Can you get up an hour
earlier than you are used to? How about asking your kids to help around the house? Can you
skip watching tv? Instead of texting friends go workout with them? Can your husband pick
the kids up from sports once a week?
In an hour, you can burn 500-800 calories in an AOS class. And of course improve cardio,
flexibility, tone muscle, and of course have fun! What a better way to relieve some stress. Hey
you might even feel better about yourself…. That could spill over into your daily life. You
might end up with more energy to conquer your crazy schedule.
Christine Huppee Mother of 3 Crazy children: Megan 12, Kyle 10, and Emily 8
Married 14 years to an awesome Husband – works overseas

By: Christine Huppee

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